Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Read Me, Please!

You are reading the first post, of a blog who has warm, fuzzy dreams of being long lived, and greatly admired.

This is the first step in my (hopefully) epic journey to show off my unique epicurean skills. Ideally, to a larger audience than just my grateful husband or my starving co-workers, who salivate at anything in a tupperware container.

I've come to terms with the fact that I am VERY good at (only) a FEW things.
...I'm sure you will be able to figure out what they are, right away.

Not to sound like a snob - but I have never enjoyed eating solely for fuel. When I make anything, it becomes an elaborate production ... I use three different knives just to make breakfast, and I can't make a sandwich without pre-heating the oven. I surely am not bragging. Since I usually get home from work at midnight, this sort of mentality about food preparation generally makes me go to sleep either hungry, or not until five in the morning! On the other hand, it has allowed me to test some really great ideas.

To avoid any shock on your part, or guilt on mine - I should preface this by letting you know that I am not a celiac.  I do not need to follow a gluten-free, (or any kind of special) diet. I am not allergic or intolerant to any allergen. My husband, however is ... and that is what inaugurated this grand culinary adventure.

When I first met Mathew, he was eating 5 bowls of cereal a day, supplemented by rice pasta, rice macaroni and cheese, and rice bread sandwiches. Honestly, I don't think his bland diet bothered him much, but you know how when you date someone, you generally eat what they eat? Well I did, and it (REALLY) bothered me. It was time for a change ... and change things I DID!

My plan, with this blog, is to depict my journey as I continually try to discover and create fun, experimental, yet delicious and (sometimes) healthy gluten-free recipes.

A little bit about my background ...

After High School, I went to Western Culinary Institute. I did not go to learn how to cook. I got my degree in Hospitality and Restaurant Management, but I did take a six week course on cooking basics. You know,  how to differentiate herbs, like oregano from ... that other stuff - or how to use a knife as big as your face without ruining your manicure, etc ...

Now, I work as a waitress at a corporate chain restaurant, (and dream of a day I will never have to do that again).

... Actually, I dream that I am there ... all the time. Usually I am running in slow motion to serve people who don't know the difference between American and cheddar cheese.

Anyway, I digress ...

I love farmers markets. I love scouring cookbooks and the internet for hours to find 8 great, trustworthy recipes and then not following any of them. I love seeing peoples' faces when they taste something I make. (Is that creepy?) I don't even mind if it looks like this :( but mostly, have found that it looks like this :D

Lets recap:
I am (very) new to this anti-gluten world.
I do not claim to be professionally trained.
No one pays me to cook for them.
The people who claim to enjoy my creations may be a bit biased.

That all being said, please come back, visit often, continue to read, enjoy, and comment. I hope to learn as much from you as you learn from me!

Time to eat! XOXO


  1. I can't wait for your next treat!

  2. Sounds like fun ~ I will definitely follow this blog. Keep on cooking : )

  3. Sounds yummy! I look forward to read more about your adventure.
